Friday, August 16, 2013

Fluffy Crepes

            From time to time we need something for our sweet tooth. This is why I want to teach you today how to make some fluffy perfect crepes that are really great and even healthy.


            - 300g sifted flour
            - 900 ml liquid (450 ml buttermilk + 450 ml mineral water)
            - 3 eggs
            - 30-45 ml rum essence (depending on how much you like it)
            - 3 tablespoons melted butter
            - 1/2 teaspoon of salt
            - 1/2 teaspoon of sugar 

           Making crepes is very simple, fun and really tasty. You need to put the eggs in a bowl with the salt and sugar and start mixing them until they turn into a fluffy cream, doubling their size. Now add the melted butter (make sure it's not hot, or it will cook your eggs and they won't taste good anymore) and the rum essence. Mix for a few seconds, and then add the sifted flour and the liquid. Hold a paper towel over the bowl while mixing everything together because it will splash all around due to the liquid.

          The mixture has to stay in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes. This way the mixture sets and your crepes won't shrink while cooked.

           It is very important to use a pan created especially for making crepes (pancakes) because this pan won't let the mixture stick. This way you will make perfect crepes from start to finish, and you will also use a small amount of oil while cooking them (about 1/4 spoon of oil), or even no oil at all (if your pan is a really good one). Use a full ladle (even a ladle and a quarter) of mixture to make thick crepes that will be way tastier and fluffier than the really thin ones. Cook them on both sides in a well-heated pan.

          To keep them low in calories you should fill them with home made jam in which you put a really small amount of sugar when you make it.

          I can recommend you the plum jam with no sugar added. Really ripe plums are filled with a natural sweetness so it doesn't need any more sugar. Take the kernel out, cut them in 4 and put them in a large pan (the ones that have a really thick bottom so the jam won't burn) on the slow fire. Boil them until they start to melt and the sauce thickens a little (when you pass the spoon through the mixture the sauce sticks to the spoon).

         Don't add any sugar to the jam. If the plums are well ripe it will taste like you've added sugar to it.

         So, there you have it. A guilt free wonderful dessert that will make you forget you are on a diet. Just like anything else, eat in moderation. If you make thick crepes, you will get about 12 - 13 crepes, just enough for 3 - 4 people. Hope you enjoy them :)

                                                                                                          Bon Appétit! 

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