Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A Few Words - Cateva Cuvinte


      Cu cateva luni in urma vorbeam cu o foarte buna prietena si ma intreba daca am observat ca ajungem sa facem in viata, sau sa ne dorim sa facem, exact ce ne jucam cand eram mici. Si mi-am dat seama ca are dreptate. Cand eram mica, aveam niste recipiente pentru condimente, care imi imagineam ca sunt oale, le umpleam cu apa si luam de pe masa din bucatarie diferite ingrediente din ce toca mama pentru mancare, prefacandu-ma ca gatesc si eu. Mai grav era ca la sfarsit eram atat de mandra ca o puneam pe mama sa guste :) .

      Asa ca... iata-ma aici. Imi place atat de mult sa gatesc incat m-am gandit sa fac aceasta pagina pentru a-i ajuta si pe cei ce nu stiu sa gateasca, sau doresc sa regaseasca gustul copilariei.

     Sper sa fac o treaba buna, si pe gustul vostru.

     Trebuie sa mentionez ca ma pricep la gatit si nu la facut poze, prin urmare s-ar putea ca pozele mele sa nu fie perfecte. Incerc cat pot eu sa le fac cat mai bine, dar sunt sanse foarte mari sa nu obtin cele mai bune poze, dar, cum spuneam, nu prea pot spune ca sunt fotograf profesionist.  

     Va multumesc anticipat pentru increderea acordata. Pupici :*:*:*  :)


     A few months back, a very good friend of mine asked me if I noticed how we end up choosing a job related to our favorite game as a child. And I realized she was right. When I was young, I used to imagine that the small containers for spices I had were actually pots. I was filling them with water and different ingredients I was taking off my mother's cooking counter, and I was pretending I am cooking as well. The worst part for my mother was that, at the end I was asking her to taste my "food" :) .

      So ... here I am. I love cooking so much that I thought of creating this blog to help others that don't know how to cook, or help them rediscover the childhood taste.

     I hope I'll do a good job and that you will like what you find here.

     I do have to say that I am a baker, not a photographer and this is why my pictures may not look all that perfect. I am trying the best that I can and the best that I know how to make great pictures, but I may not always get them right, because as I said, I'm not so great as a photographer. 

     Thank you in advance for the confidence. Kisses :*:*:* :)


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